jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

Helltaker (2020): All For The Nookie

"When demon girls are involved, no price is high enough"

Helltaker is a free indie puzzle/adventure game designed by Polish developer vanripper (Łukasz Piskorz), released on May 11, 2020 for PC. 

Helltaker Walkthrough (All Achievements & Endings & Levels ...

Helltaker follows the character of the same name on his quest to have a harem of demon girls from the depths of hell. 

Helltaker HD Wallpaper | Background Image | 1920x1080 | ID ...

The Helltaker has to go through a series of puzzle stages with the goal of reaching a demon girl. When you reach the demon girl you have to answer a question correctly or you restart the level. There are 10 stages, and in each one you have to push stones and skeleton soldiers, avoid traps and collect items while keeping within a set turn limit. This means that if you move too much without finishing the level you die. For some it might be challenging, but you can have a really good time with this free game, which can be beaten in less than an hour.

The characters are:

The Helltaker:
The Helltaker | Helltaker Wiki | Fandom

Pandemonica, the Tired Demon:

Modeus, the Lustful Demon:

Cerberus, the Triple Demon:

Malina, the Sour Demon:

Zdrada, the Bitch Demon:

Azazel, the Curious Angel:

Justice, the Awesome Demon:

Lucifer, the CEO of Hell:

Judgement, the High Prosecutor:

Beelzebub, The Great Fly:

I won't go deeper into describing them, because I think the names themselves mostly define who each character are. Moreover, what caught the attention of many people are the demon "waifus" so now that it's been a month you can expect tons of artwork of the characters.

Helltaker's level designs, visuals and music are really good, and it goes beyond me why it's for free, because there is a lot of dedication put into the video game, despite its short length. 

Helltaker Complete Guide (+How to Win)

Moreover, the game is funny, and the situations our protagonist encounters while trying to create his own harem of demon girls it's so ridiculous that you wish you were him. No complex story, no sadness or deep stuff, just pure entertainment about a journey of lust and hedonism.

Helltaker Full Game Demon Harem Complete Struggle Bus - YouTube

All in all, Helltaker in less than a month has become a really popular game, and I can see why. So, if you have an hour avaliable, you can spend it by playing a game about a cool dude in his lustful quest of having his harem of demon waifus. What can go wrong?

PS: And now I leave the OST composed by Mittsies for you to listen to, some cute images, gif and sprites!

Nervous and Sweating Beelzebub | Helltaker | Know Your Meme

Helltaker VII The Awesome Demon - YouTube

Judgement Bound | Helltaker | Know Your Meme

Steam Workshop :: Helltaker Glorious Success

Helltaker Lets Players Build a Demon Girl Harem for Free on All PCs

Judgement Laughing | Helltaker | Know Your Meme

glorious | Helltaker | Know Your Meme

helltaker game | Tumblr